RIDE2RAIL’s overall objective is to develop an innovative framework for intelligent mobility, facilitating the efficient combination of flexible (ride-sharing) and scheduled transport services (rail, bus, and other public transport services), thus enhancing the performance of the overall mobility system.
RIDE2RAIL aims to integrate multiple (public/private/social) data sets and existing transport platforms for promoting an effective ride sharing practice of citizens, making it a complementary transport mode that extends public transport networks.
The objectives of the RIDE2RAIL project are:
- To develop an innovative framework for intelligent mobility, facilitating efficient combination of flexible and scheduled transport services, integrating real-time information about public transport and ride sharing
- To create a tool that facilitates the comparison and the choice between multiple options/services classified by a set of criteria, for example environmental, travel time, comfort, cost
- To encourage carpooling (and ride sharing acceptance) as complementary for public transport
- To enhance the performance of the overall mobility system, reducing road congestion and environmental impact, reinforcing the mobility offer in rural and low-demand areas
- To combine travel offer classifications and software components, integrating them into existing collective and on-demand transport services
- To induct the access to high-capacity services thanks to easy-to-use multimodal and integrated travel planning, booking, ticketing and payment features
- To design, develop and test in four real demonstrators a set of software components for the IP4 ecosystem, including an advanced Travel Companion and the crowd-based Transport Service Provider
- To produce recommendations for replicability